Pade waktu blog ini ditulis, 2009 dah pun berlalu hampir setengah bulan dan 2010,of course la dah masuk setengah bulan jgk..ini sekadar utk menghabiskn mase yg byk terbuang tanpa keja..
tah hape mimpi, ari ni bukak blog setelah berabad diabaikan..
2009 yg baru berlalu mmg byk sgt kenangan..yg buruk mmg gampangnye byk, yg baik,sib baik byk jgk..tahun ni, aku masih bekerja kat N9..mmg xmenarik dan semmgnye ini la perkara yg tergampang dr 2009..bukan xbersyukur sbb dpt keja, cume keadaan yg sgt boring dan jauh dr idup aku dulu..kalu diikutkn, mmg aku dah pek brg n chow aku mls nk tarik muke lame2 ngan parents aku..
2009 byk mengajar aku erti sahabat..sape kwn dan sape lwn..byk cite pahit dan manis tp mls nk ditaip..haha..aku betul2 kenal mcm mane kwn2 aku skg..mcm mane dieorg bile aku tgh hepi dan mcm mane dieorg bile aku tgh sedih..ade yg menolong ade jgk yg tambah xpe, aku igt smpi bile2..
2009 aku mule rapat dgn sorg pompuan..mmg ssh sgt nk teka isi hati die..ssh jgk nk phm xlame kemudian, aku mule jatuh hati ngan die..sedar xsedar, tibe2 je kiteorg dah together smpi skg..dah alhamdulillah, aku hepi sgt ngan die..harap2 kekal la kiteorg smpi bile2..amin..
2009 aku akhiri dgn die..mudah mudahan, tahun 2010 ni Allah permudahkn urusan ku,keluargaku dan rakan2 ku, permudahkn hari hari ku,keluargaku dan rakan2 ku,berkati kehidupan kami dan murahkan rezeki kami semua..amin
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm a survivor!
ceh..ayat mcm susah gile hidup kat kg tu..haha.. well, it was boring..damn boring.. went back on last friday and just got back on sunday evening..woohoo!!i survive!!~haha.. well, balik kg last friday was like sitting in a roller ye je my dad suh tido awal kate nye nak blk pagi jumaat tu..tup tup, bgn kul 11 tu, tgk die keja lak tu..pack brg, gi mkn, lpk, lpk, lpk, lpk, and lpk..kul 6 lebey, baru my dad col kate die ondaway back home..xmo mandi sbb dah mom dah bising kat kg sbb kul 9 mlm tu, ade potong jambul anak buah ku..haaaaa, tau ko takut..hahaha..
bile die smpi je, msk kan brg dlm keta then i drove..smpi seremban..and the people driving dat day are seriusly fucking noob shit! ade a few cars yg tekan minyak kaw kaw punye, tp keta die dah mmg xley bla..still nk lpk kat lane kanan..bodoh betul org mcm ni..menyusahkn..pastu, ade lak yg tekan minyak kaw kaw..mmg laju die xsmpi 100meter, die tekan brek mengejut sbb nmpk keta yg 200meter jauh dr dia pun bangang gak..sakit tul ati..rase cam nk stop keta, tumbuk je org2 mcm ni!
smpi seremban, tukar ngan my dad..die yg drive sbb die je yg tau jln dlm ke kuala pilah..pergh, sumpah aku rase cam masuk drift competition..journey yg sepatutnye amik mase 3 hours, jd 1 hour plus je..gile ar..angkat corner 140km/j.. dah la naik keta besar..mcm nk terbalik pun ade..ade one time, almost accident ngan keta dr arah bertentangan..angkat corner xigt dunia, smpi msk lane org, pastu die lak mrh org tu x erti bwk keta..aku yg kat sebelah ni abis sume surah aku bace..siap mengucap lagi buat standby kalu pape..hahaha
smpi2, org pun dah ramai..dgr la org berzanji..tgk anak buah ku yg xpnh aku first time..n smpi skg pun, aku xtau ape name die..haha..kejam..besok nye tu, org kawin lak..dah la panas gile..terik bahang bpk die gile! mmg berpeluh2 la duk kt bwh khemah tu..dah la khemah pun xde kipas..aduh..sib baik awek2 time tu sume xley bla..xpyh la aku control2 macho..kalu ade yg lawa cam nora danish, hmmm..melepas la aku! (tinggi cita2 ku)
slps sume acara ini, sumpah sangap..xde pape nk di buat..cume duk menghadap laptop and psp..baring je pastu bgn gi mkn..baring blk..bgn crk benda nk kunyah..bosan gile, syukur..aku skg dah pulang ke umah..dpt la lps rindu kat member2 td..ceh mcm gay pun ade..haha.. sok nk start klas dah..mesti sibuk gile ngan up coming conference and test..harap2, i'll make it through..-amin-
btw, cant wait for earth hour! nk pegi sunway piramid sbb dgr kate dieorg nk tutup lampu mlm tu..woot! my itchy hands..mane la tau ade rezeki nk
but i hope lots of people will be supporting it..sbb sumpah, lately the world is getting warmer and warmer..just an hour..give the world a break!

till next post, i fuck everyone..i hope things will go well for me and me only..others(accept those i know) can go fuck yourself! kejam!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mid Term Break
Mid term break finally arrived!
Was looking forward for this day so that i can haf so much fun sleeping, eating, jalan-jalan and much more.I've planned alot of things this holiday. ari tu, ade plan gi tgk wayang,which i did. then plan tuk gi tgk wayang lagi, which i dun think its possible since im broke. pastu plan tomorrow nk gi mandi air terjun tp still x confirm lagi n byk lg plan plan yg x tercapai akal mu.
Tp malang berbau busuk.. plan hanya tinggal plan sj. end up, im sitting at home, sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating. this holiday seems so fucking boring with nothing to do. no money, no chicks. BORING!!
to make it more boring, my mom planned to balik kg! today! yeah..boring nye!since i was small, i never like going bck kg. not that i dun like the environment, but i just hate being there. its more worst there than home. My frens in kg lives 30km from where i stay. and skg pun dieorg xcuti. my cousins pun xde yg blk sbb dieorg pun xcuti. so if i blk kg pun, there will be no one around to hang out. wtf! at least if im at home, whenever im bored, i noe my frens are just a call away.and if boring pun, ley gi karaoke kat sini. kalu kat kg, asal boring je, rase nk bunuh diri je. hahaha. tp sian gak kat nenek. aku dah berape bulan x balik kg. asik mengelak je. the only time yg mmg xley elak is raya. tp raya lain cite, sbb member2 yg duk 30 km dr kg aku dah pun pulang ke umah. so boleh la gi lpk ngan dieorg time bosan.
mid term break kali ini pula, dihujani dgn assg yg berlambak anjing. lecturer die sumpah xpakai otak. org nk bercuti pun ssh sbb nak kena buat keja. nk tido pun pkir 100 kali takut x smpt anta by time. bodo punya olang!
time sangap mcm ni la, post yg xberfaedah seperti ini yang akan ku karang.
so until next post, i hope everything goes well for everyone in planet earth and planet earth only. others can pls fuck off! thank you.
Have a nice day:)
Was looking forward for this day so that i can haf so much fun sleeping, eating, jalan-jalan and much more.I've planned alot of things this holiday. ari tu, ade plan gi tgk wayang,which i did. then plan tuk gi tgk wayang lagi, which i dun think its possible since im broke. pastu plan tomorrow nk gi mandi air terjun tp still x confirm lagi n byk lg plan plan yg x tercapai akal mu.
Tp malang berbau busuk.. plan hanya tinggal plan sj. end up, im sitting at home, sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating. this holiday seems so fucking boring with nothing to do. no money, no chicks. BORING!!
to make it more boring, my mom planned to balik kg! today! yeah..boring nye!since i was small, i never like going bck kg. not that i dun like the environment, but i just hate being there. its more worst there than home. My frens in kg lives 30km from where i stay. and skg pun dieorg xcuti. my cousins pun xde yg blk sbb dieorg pun xcuti. so if i blk kg pun, there will be no one around to hang out. wtf! at least if im at home, whenever im bored, i noe my frens are just a call away.and if boring pun, ley gi karaoke kat sini. kalu kat kg, asal boring je, rase nk bunuh diri je. hahaha. tp sian gak kat nenek. aku dah berape bulan x balik kg. asik mengelak je. the only time yg mmg xley elak is raya. tp raya lain cite, sbb member2 yg duk 30 km dr kg aku dah pun pulang ke umah. so boleh la gi lpk ngan dieorg time bosan.
mid term break kali ini pula, dihujani dgn assg yg berlambak anjing. lecturer die sumpah xpakai otak. org nk bercuti pun ssh sbb nak kena buat keja. nk tido pun pkir 100 kali takut x smpt anta by time. bodo punya olang!
time sangap mcm ni la, post yg xberfaedah seperti ini yang akan ku karang.
so until next post, i hope everything goes well for everyone in planet earth and planet earth only. others can pls fuck off! thank you.
Have a nice day:)
I'm in love with
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Coretan Kesangapan
Warning: Post ini, adalah untuk mengutuk budak2 scholar. Jika anda salah seorg scholar, anda tidak digalakkn membaca post ini. Jika anda membaca juga, dan anda merasa kurang setuju, sila simpan pada diri anda sendiri. This is my blog, this is my words.
ari ni, baru aku perasan..yang budak scholar ni, bukan semua, tp hampir semua, merasakn diri dieorg ni la yg paling bagus.mcm la kerana dieorg dpt scholar, dieorg la ciptaan tuhan yg paling sempurna. nak pdg org mcm bgs. ckp pun mcm bgs. kononnye, kami yg bukan scholar ini adalah sampah.
HOI..ini bukan bpk ko nye kolej.ini pun bkn bpk aku nye kolej. jd, buat ape ko nk mcm bgs? ape yg ko nk banggakn ngan scholar ko??member aku punye la baik tolong ko buat keja, siapkn presentation tuk kiteorg, ko bole tanye soalan x mengenang budi???? "Ni sume yg ko tulis ni bole pakai ke?Bole percaya ke?dah buat research ke?" kalu ko x confiden ngan kiteorg yg bkn scholar ni, ko buat la sndiri anjing. kiteorg bkn anjing ko nk siapkn keja ko, pastu ko nk tanye2 mcm ni!! ape??makbpk ko xpenah ajar ke ko respek org?
Pastu, jln nk donggak ke atas,bile berckp, ckp nk mcm bgs.hanya kerana ko dpt scholar..oi! ko sdr x markah aku lagi tinggi dr ko??bodo punye org!!pki otak la!
ko nk caci org, nk memilih kawan. ko sanggup ckp yg bukan2 psl member aku kat member ko. sbb die gemuk???sbb die gemuk die xley kwn ngan ko??ape ko igt muke ko tu hensem sgt ke??bile aku pdg ko, xbrani lak ko pdg aku!mane pegi telor scholar ko??lupe nk bwk ke ari ni??oi! ngan pompuan bole la ko ramai nk pijak.bak dtg la ngan aku! cibai kia!
Setakat satu msg "Hello" dari member aku, ko nk reply mcm ko bgs sgt!go fuck urself la dickhead!
bertuah la masih ade org yg nk knl ngan ko. kalu aku pompuan sumpah aku muntah tgk muke ko! muke dah la hitam,mcm anak keling, berlubang sane sini, mengalahkn lubang, mulut mcm anjing kehausan, masih ade hati nk memilih kawan!
ko sibuk2 nk group ngan kiteorg yg xde scholar ni. ko bising bile kiteorg senyap aje, tp bile kiteorg bg idea, mesti ko mati2 nk kiteorg terima idea ko. bodo ke bangang ke samdol ke cacat otak ke ko ni???atau ko mmg down sindrom?? bile kiteorg amik idea ko, kiteorg presentkn, dpt markah rendah, ko crk kesalahan kiteorg.OI pukimak, ko punye idea sndiri, kiteorg ckp, ko lak x puas hati!lain kali, baik ko gi buat group sesame scholar je!xmati la woi kiteorg x group ngan scholar!tah2 ko ni dpt scholar sbb xmampu nk byr duit yuran!terpaksa mintak ikhsan org!sian ko kn...dah xmampu lagi nk msk blaja tmpt mahal2..pegi mati la babi!
Aku bukan nk ckp besar, bkn nk banggakn harta mak bpk aku, aku sdr diri aku sape. aku masih lagi tau mcm mane nk respek org.Kite sume manusia, xkisah la ade scholar atau tidak. xpnh aku banggakn diri aku bile aku dpt markah lagi tinggi dr ko. xpenah lak aku salahkn sume org bile dpt markah rendah.itu sume silap aku sndiri. aku sedar itu semua. tp kenapa haram jadah mcm ko ni,baru dpt scholar, dah mule berlagak. tah dari kg mane ko dtg bandar, ko nk berlagak mcm puki.cerita konon ko cool..OI bodo, ini bandar la, bkn kg ko!nak cite ko msk club la, tonggeng sane sini, minum arak jenis itu jenis ini, mane pegi otak ko??budak scholar konon!dah la islam, x malu pulak tu bercerita tentang dosa ko!
aku pun byk dosa aku xbngga dgn dosa2 yang telah aku buat. tp lain pulak dgn ko ni.lebih ramai tau,lebih bgs tuk ko!bangang!aku sndiri yg duduk bandar ni xde nk cite2 msk club la,minum arak la, hisap dadah la, amik pil la, inikn ko yg dr hulu kg, nk citer lebat.bapak ko gila!buat malu je setiap jumaat ko pki baju melayu.buat malu je setiap kali zohor ko pegi surau.
andai kate, satu ari nanti, ko tersedar betapa bangang nye ko dulu, aku harap ko memohon maaf dari semua org yg tersinggung.mgkn satu ari nanti, ko akan jmpe org yg akan buat benda same kat ko. dan bile hari itu tibe, aku akan gelak bersama member aku! fuck you scholars!
disclaimer: Coretan ini tidak tertakluk kepada sume scholar.Hanya org2 yg tertentu sahaja.Ade jgk scholar yg elok. Jika anda bukan seperti di atas, maka tahniah, anda akn jdi sorg insan yg bergune kelak.jika anda seperti coretan di atas, maka waspada la!lebih2 lagi, kalau ko ade lah org dlm coretan aku!!
ari ni, baru aku perasan..yang budak scholar ni, bukan semua, tp hampir semua, merasakn diri dieorg ni la yg paling bagus.mcm la kerana dieorg dpt scholar, dieorg la ciptaan tuhan yg paling sempurna. nak pdg org mcm bgs. ckp pun mcm bgs. kononnye, kami yg bukan scholar ini adalah sampah.
HOI..ini bukan bpk ko nye kolej.ini pun bkn bpk aku nye kolej. jd, buat ape ko nk mcm bgs? ape yg ko nk banggakn ngan scholar ko??member aku punye la baik tolong ko buat keja, siapkn presentation tuk kiteorg, ko bole tanye soalan x mengenang budi???? "Ni sume yg ko tulis ni bole pakai ke?Bole percaya ke?dah buat research ke?" kalu ko x confiden ngan kiteorg yg bkn scholar ni, ko buat la sndiri anjing. kiteorg bkn anjing ko nk siapkn keja ko, pastu ko nk tanye2 mcm ni!! ape??makbpk ko xpenah ajar ke ko respek org?
Pastu, jln nk donggak ke atas,bile berckp, ckp nk mcm bgs.hanya kerana ko dpt scholar..oi! ko sdr x markah aku lagi tinggi dr ko??bodo punye org!!pki otak la!
ko nk caci org, nk memilih kawan. ko sanggup ckp yg bukan2 psl member aku kat member ko. sbb die gemuk???sbb die gemuk die xley kwn ngan ko??ape ko igt muke ko tu hensem sgt ke??bile aku pdg ko, xbrani lak ko pdg aku!mane pegi telor scholar ko??lupe nk bwk ke ari ni??oi! ngan pompuan bole la ko ramai nk pijak.bak dtg la ngan aku! cibai kia!
Setakat satu msg "Hello" dari member aku, ko nk reply mcm ko bgs sgt!go fuck urself la dickhead!
bertuah la masih ade org yg nk knl ngan ko. kalu aku pompuan sumpah aku muntah tgk muke ko! muke dah la hitam,mcm anak keling, berlubang sane sini, mengalahkn lubang, mulut mcm anjing kehausan, masih ade hati nk memilih kawan!
ko sibuk2 nk group ngan kiteorg yg xde scholar ni. ko bising bile kiteorg senyap aje, tp bile kiteorg bg idea, mesti ko mati2 nk kiteorg terima idea ko. bodo ke bangang ke samdol ke cacat otak ke ko ni???atau ko mmg down sindrom?? bile kiteorg amik idea ko, kiteorg presentkn, dpt markah rendah, ko crk kesalahan kiteorg.OI pukimak, ko punye idea sndiri, kiteorg ckp, ko lak x puas hati!lain kali, baik ko gi buat group sesame scholar je!xmati la woi kiteorg x group ngan scholar!tah2 ko ni dpt scholar sbb xmampu nk byr duit yuran!terpaksa mintak ikhsan org!sian ko kn...dah xmampu lagi nk msk blaja tmpt mahal2..pegi mati la babi!
Aku bukan nk ckp besar, bkn nk banggakn harta mak bpk aku, aku sdr diri aku sape. aku masih lagi tau mcm mane nk respek org.Kite sume manusia, xkisah la ade scholar atau tidak. xpnh aku banggakn diri aku bile aku dpt markah lagi tinggi dr ko. xpenah lak aku salahkn sume org bile dpt markah rendah.itu sume silap aku sndiri. aku sedar itu semua. tp kenapa haram jadah mcm ko ni,baru dpt scholar, dah mule berlagak. tah dari kg mane ko dtg bandar, ko nk berlagak mcm puki.cerita konon ko cool..OI bodo, ini bandar la, bkn kg ko!nak cite ko msk club la, tonggeng sane sini, minum arak jenis itu jenis ini, mane pegi otak ko??budak scholar konon!dah la islam, x malu pulak tu bercerita tentang dosa ko!
aku pun byk dosa aku xbngga dgn dosa2 yang telah aku buat. tp lain pulak dgn ko ni.lebih ramai tau,lebih bgs tuk ko!bangang!aku sndiri yg duduk bandar ni xde nk cite2 msk club la,minum arak la, hisap dadah la, amik pil la, inikn ko yg dr hulu kg, nk citer lebat.bapak ko gila!buat malu je setiap jumaat ko pki baju melayu.buat malu je setiap kali zohor ko pegi surau.
andai kate, satu ari nanti, ko tersedar betapa bangang nye ko dulu, aku harap ko memohon maaf dari semua org yg tersinggung.mgkn satu ari nanti, ko akan jmpe org yg akan buat benda same kat ko. dan bile hari itu tibe, aku akan gelak bersama member aku! fuck you scholars!
disclaimer: Coretan ini tidak tertakluk kepada sume scholar.Hanya org2 yg tertentu sahaja.Ade jgk scholar yg elok. Jika anda bukan seperti di atas, maka tahniah, anda akn jdi sorg insan yg bergune kelak.jika anda seperti coretan di atas, maka waspada la!lebih2 lagi, kalau ko ade lah org dlm coretan aku!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Marley and Me
yesterday, me and my friends went to OU to watch first, we planned to watch "Nightwatcher". since it was full, we end up watching "Marley & Me".
First i tot it must be a funny movie about love. I assumed it based on the stars and poster. Since my fren pun ngan die nye awek, so aku pun lenjan je ar. was there around 3 somthing, but somebody bought the movie for
so pusing2 OU tgk benda2 baru, benda2 x baru sgt, and benda2 yg lame. I noticed, nothing has really change in OU.(fyi,i havent been to OU almost a year,i guess).It was damn boring..luckily my fren was there to hangout halau awek die gi shopping, kiteorg borak2 la. for awhile, terase cam gay pun ade.2 org laki, duk kat bangku, borak2,gelak2, pastu beli tiket "Marley & Me"..we realize the awkward feeling n trus bgn gi main!
It was a miracle i survive almost 4 hours pusing2 dlm OU doing nothing.finally, it was time to enter the cinema. The movie was quite funny and touching.One of my fren actually cried in the movie. To cover it up, she took out a lollipop, and begin sucking it sambil tersedu2..hahaha.. funny..but i haf to admit, it was touching. No intro2 or summary from the movie. I dun wanna spoil it for u. Plus, im not good at writting a sneak peak. if i write it, end up, u'll know the whole story.
Anyway, it was a 2 thumbs up. definately recommended.:D
Sexy Jennifer Aniston..she still maintain her perfect body..woot!
well, thats the end.till next post, i hope everything goes well for everyone in planet earth, and planet earth only.The rest can please fuck off! thank you:)
haf a nice day ^^
First i tot it must be a funny movie about love. I assumed it based on the stars and poster. Since my fren pun ngan die nye awek, so aku pun lenjan je ar. was there around 3 somthing, but somebody bought the movie for
so pusing2 OU tgk benda2 baru, benda2 x baru sgt, and benda2 yg lame. I noticed, nothing has really change in OU.(fyi,i havent been to OU almost a year,i guess).It was damn boring..luckily my fren was there to hangout halau awek die gi shopping, kiteorg borak2 la. for awhile, terase cam gay pun ade.2 org laki, duk kat bangku, borak2,gelak2, pastu beli tiket "Marley & Me"..we realize the awkward feeling n trus bgn gi main!
It was a miracle i survive almost 4 hours pusing2 dlm OU doing nothing.finally, it was time to enter the cinema. The movie was quite funny and touching.One of my fren actually cried in the movie. To cover it up, she took out a lollipop, and begin sucking it sambil tersedu2..hahaha.. funny..but i haf to admit, it was touching. No intro2 or summary from the movie. I dun wanna spoil it for u. Plus, im not good at writting a sneak peak. if i write it, end up, u'll know the whole story.
Anyway, it was a 2 thumbs up. definately recommended.:D
Sexy Jennifer Aniston..she still maintain her perfect body..woot!
well, thats the end.till next post, i hope everything goes well for everyone in planet earth, and planet earth only.The rest can please fuck off! thank you:)
haf a nice day ^^
Friday, March 6, 2009
Song for everyday,everytime,everywhere..
since someone has a song for the day, i'll suggest a song for everyday, everytime, everywhere..
no matter the always make me smile..
no matter the always make me smile..
The lazyness.....
Well, today has been a damn fucking lazy day..
I went to college but turn up skipping the entire class..
well..its life.. xtau nape bole jd camni..not like its my first time..
according to my new update, i have been absent for 7 times for one subject and 4 for another..
only 2 subject this whole sem but i'm just toofucking, lazy to care..
lots of issue and stuffs wander my mind..makes mefucktup..
well, to start,global recession is actually affecting going thru extreme poverty and i think i'll soon be so poor that people can consider me bankrupt..i cant even afford a box of dunhill 14..
i just miss the old great times when smoking werent thisfucking expensive.. it used to be like rm2.60..fucking cheap that u'll smoke the whole box without worrying of cancer and heart attack..
and now, just bcoz thefucking world decides to have a fucking recession, i can't even enjoy a stick without thinking how fucking expensive it is now..not just that, the price is just reminding me how sick i cud be someday in the future..
but..i have to say, after lighting the cigg, i'll definately say "FUCK IT"..haha.. if i'm gonna die of cigg, might as well die bcoz of smoking some fucking expensive cigg..
i miss alot of, friends, great love, and stuffs..i wish i would haf appreciate most them when they were around..but thats we grow older,it gets harder..
got to continue my work..haf to pass it up tomorrow..
I hope things go well for everyone living in planet earth and planet earth only. the rest, can pls fuck off.thank u..:)
haf a nice day..
p/s:support go green and all environmental campaign.the world is fucking fucktup and will come to an end soon if we dun do something.
I went to college but turn up skipping the entire class..
well..its life.. xtau nape bole jd camni..not like its my first time..
according to my new update, i have been absent for 7 times for one subject and 4 for another..
only 2 subject this whole sem but i'm just too
lots of issue and stuffs wander my mind..makes me
well, to start,global recession is actually affecting going thru extreme poverty and i think i'll soon be so poor that people can consider me bankrupt..i cant even afford a box of dunhill 14..
i just miss the old great times when smoking werent this
and now, just bcoz the
but..i have to say, after lighting the cigg, i'll definately say "FUCK IT"..haha.. if i'm gonna die of cigg, might as well die bcoz of smoking some fucking expensive cigg..
i miss alot of, friends, great love, and stuffs..i wish i would haf appreciate most them when they were around..but thats we grow older,it gets harder..
got to continue my work..haf to pass it up tomorrow..
I hope things go well for everyone living in planet earth and planet earth only. the rest, can pls fuck off.thank u..:)
haf a nice day..
p/s:support go green and all environmental campaign.the world is fucking fucktup and will come to an end soon if we dun do something.
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